My name is Constantin, born in Karlsruhe, Germany. Since my most early years, I had an interest in biology and play. What consisted mainly out of trips to the museum, books and videogames, should lead to the idea, that movement is the perfect kombination of biology and play. With this lesson, I wanted to understand how movement and training actually work, which caused me to study Sportscience in Munich. Here I could dive into all the questions I had, and under Prof. Wackerhage we asked things like:"How does movement effect our genes?". Simultaneously I began working in the orthopedic centre under Dr. Schneider, where I could train & train with athletes. During this time, people like Lisa Riegler & Oliver Caruso had a big impact on me by teaching me their view on Sports & movement. Working in the centre, caused me to desire to understand what really helps, when someone is unable to move! This led ultimately to the decision of me studying medicine in Vienna where I currently live. Today I understand a little more about biology and play, and although I am allowed to be a teacher, I will always remain a knowledgethirsty student.

Get To Know
Book a free trial session with me. Here we can discuss and answer all questions you have regarding Personal Training and what you can expect from working together.
Personal Training
Whether you want to become stronger, faster, more mobile or want to look better - a personalized training, offers the most effective and sustainable way. Learn the mechanics and how to use your body, how to progressively train and to develop a longterm training practice for your life. The method can vary from calisthenics, weight training, body weight, acrobatics and many more.
Requirements: None, except commitment and the willingness to learn. It is completely irrelevant where you are at the moment as long as the will to change and execution are present. The 20-year old athlete, aswell as the 79-year old grandpa are both welcome and can make great progress in their own individual way.
Personaltraining includes:
- 4 months of supervision
- 10 sessions 60 min each
- planing for 2 training phases
- price: 950 EUR
Personal Training - Individualisierte Supervision
You don't train in Vienna, but you're interested in the benefits of personal training. For you I offer online coaching. Here I support you with videos and online programming and we discuss different topics and your progress via video call.
Online Personal Training includes:
- 4 months of supervision
- 8 video calls each 90 min
- planing for 2 training phases
- price: 950 EUR
Personaltraining - Intensive lesson
You are training already regularly, but you feel that some exercises do not hit the way you would like? For example you do not feel the legs being precisely trained in the squat or the chest working on the benchpress? Maybe your handstand is still a little off, or your work with the gymnastic rings. You are an athlete and want a technique-checkup? Learn how to engange with your body in a more efficient way and reap more benefits with your training.
This offer does NOT include any kind of programming and feedback outside the session.
One session: 2h - 120 EUR. 3h - 160 EUR. The first session 50%

Olympic Weightlifting Week
Together with Oliver Caruso (ex. German national weightlifting coach), we offer you the "Olympic Weightlifting Week" in the Robinson Club Apulia. Here the participants learn the basic techniques of Olympic weightlifting and general strategies to improve training, while the club offers everything a trainee needs.

Recommended reading list
Here you find a list of literature I can recommend to you on your fitness journey.


Kristina M.
„Thanks to Constantin I have found new motivation to train and am on my way to achieve my athletic goals."
Oliver B.
„As sportscientist-colleague and now fellow medical student, it is clear, that Constantin and I are in regular exchange. His professional competence, his skill to analyse problems and to break them down for everyone, guarantee a basis of quality, which I consider the fundament of any health- & sportrelated success. Especially his "learning/growth-mindset" impresses me, because with him there are no stupid questions and he remains curious. This creates a super enjoyable learning/training-atmosphere, which is a marker of him and his training. I can recommend Constantin 100% and am eager to enjoy the next session with him."
Lisa S.
„In my life I haven't been as fit as now with Constantin. He motivates me and brings out the best in me. He managed to adapt the training according to my wishes and with respect to my busy schedule. Due to this I can manage to bring up the motivation and time for training, even after a 12 hour workday, while still having fun!"